Identidade visual para o instituto A Gente Transforma, um projeto de Marcelo Rosenbaum. Uma iniciativa que prevê a valorização da cultura e do conhecimento de artesãos de comunidades locais para a criação de peças de design que passam a estampar as coleções das mais reconhecidas lojas de decoração do brasil.
Branding for Instituto A Gente Transforma by Marcelo Rosenbaum. An initiative that provides for the appreciation of the culture and knowledge of artisans from local communities for the creation of design pieces that begin to feature in the collections of the most recognized decoration stores in Brazil.
Branding for Instituto A Gente Transforma by Marcelo Rosenbaum. An initiative that provides for the appreciation of the culture and knowledge of artisans from local communities for the creation of design pieces that begin to feature in the collections of the most recognized decoration stores in Brazil.

A produção das peças é feita com base no que Marcelo Rosenbaum chama de Design Essencial, uma metodologia desenvolvida com base nas experiências vivenciadas junto às comunidades, voltadas para descobrir e potencializar seus valores. O principal resultado é a inovação no processo; que une talentos e potenciais locais mirando na autonomia e liberdade das comunidades através dos saberes.
The production is based on what Marcelo Rosenbaum calls Essential Design, a methodology developed based on experiences with communities, aimed at discovering and enhancing their values. The main result is process innovation; that unites local talents and potentials aiming at the autonomy and freedom of communities through knowledge.
The production is based on what Marcelo Rosenbaum calls Essential Design, a methodology developed based on experiences with communities, aimed at discovering and enhancing their values. The main result is process innovation; that unites local talents and potentials aiming at the autonomy and freedom of communities through knowledge.

A diretora de arte Fabiana Zanin foi responsável por criar a identidade visual do projeto, no qual pude ser dupla criativa e criar o design gráfico desde o logo até as aplicações em produtos, redes sociais e campanhas.
The art director Fabiana Zanin was responsible for creating the visual identity of the project, in which I was able to be a creative duo and create the graphic design from the logo to the applications in products, social networks and campaigns.
The art director Fabiana Zanin was responsible for creating the visual identity of the project, in which I was able to be a creative duo and create the graphic design from the logo to the applications in products, social networks and campaigns.

creative director: Fabiana Zanin
graphic designer: Verônica Nunes
creative director: Fabiana Zanin
graphic designer: Verônica Nunes