Descendente dos povos indígenas e cultivada há séculos por populações ribeirinhas, a farinha é o alimento mais tradicional do Amazonas, além de ser indispensável nas casas e, principalmente, no prato dos amazonenses. Dentro da Reserva de Desenvolvimento Sustentável (RDS) Mamirauá, e é empacotada pelos próprios comunitários e comercializada com o nome de “A Ribeirinha”, recebendo apoio técnico da Fundação Amazônia Sustentável (FAS), com recursos do Fundo Amazônia/BNDES e Ministério Público Federal do Amazonas.
A descendant of indigenous peoples and cultivated for centuries by riverside populations, the flour is the most traditional food in the Amazon, in addition to being indispensable in homes and, especially, in the dishes of the Amazonians. Within the Mamirauá Sustainable Development Reserve (RDS), and is packaged by the community members themselves and marketed under the name “A Ribeirinha”, receiving technical support from the Sustainable Amazon Foundation (FAS), with resources from the Amazon Fund / BNDES and the Federal Public Ministry from the Amazon.
A descendant of indigenous peoples and cultivated for centuries by riverside populations, the flour is the most traditional food in the Amazon, in addition to being indispensable in homes and, especially, in the dishes of the Amazonians. Within the Mamirauá Sustainable Development Reserve (RDS), and is packaged by the community members themselves and marketed under the name “A Ribeirinha”, receiving technical support from the Sustainable Amazon Foundation (FAS), with resources from the Amazon Fund / BNDES and the Federal Public Ministry from the Amazon.
Melhorias no processo de fabricação e na qualidade do produto beneficiam cerca de 1,8 mil pessoas em Unidades de Conservação (UC) onde a FAS atua e vem investindo, desde 2008, na melhoria dessa cadeia produtiva.
Improvements in the manufacturing process and product quality benefit about 1,800 people in Conservation Units (UC) where FAS operates and has been investing, since 2008, in improving this production chain.
Improvements in the manufacturing process and product quality benefit about 1,800 people in Conservation Units (UC) where FAS operates and has been investing, since 2008, in improving this production chain.
graphic design: Fabiana Zanin, Verônica Nunes
client: FAS Fundação Amazônia Sustentável
photos: Dirce Quintino
client: FAS Fundação Amazônia Sustentável
photos: Dirce Quintino