Esse Dito Bicho é uma coleção de bancos de madeira, feitos por moradores da região e inspirados nas incríveis histórias da floresta repassadas por gerações.
A comunidade de Terra Preta está localizada na Reserva de Desenvolvimento Sustentável (RDS) Rio Negro, na margem norte do rio há 80 km de Manaus, cerca de 5 horas de barco. Seu nome vem do solo escuro e fértil que permeia a Bacia Amazônica.
Esse Dito Bicho is a collection of wooden benches, made by residents of the region and inspired by the incredible stories of the forest passed down through generations. The Terra Preta community is located in the Rio Negro Sustainable Development Reserve (RDS), on the north bank of the river, 80 km from Manaus, about 5 hours by boat. Its name comes from the dark and fertile soil that permeates the Amazon Basin.
A comunidade de Terra Preta está localizada na Reserva de Desenvolvimento Sustentável (RDS) Rio Negro, na margem norte do rio há 80 km de Manaus, cerca de 5 horas de barco. Seu nome vem do solo escuro e fértil que permeia a Bacia Amazônica.
Esse Dito Bicho is a collection of wooden benches, made by residents of the region and inspired by the incredible stories of the forest passed down through generations. The Terra Preta community is located in the Rio Negro Sustainable Development Reserve (RDS), on the north bank of the river, 80 km from Manaus, about 5 hours by boat. Its name comes from the dark and fertile soil that permeates the Amazon Basin.

O local não faz parte do roteiro turístico do Rio Negro e possui como principal atividade econômica a extração da madeira e o monitoramento da floresta. A pequena comunidade de aproximadamente 230 pessoas possui 4 igrejas e apenas 1 escola que atende aos alunos do ensino fundamental ao médio.
The site is not part of the Rio Negro tourist route and its main economic activity is the timber route and forest monitoring. A small community of approximately 230 people has 4 churches and only 1 school that serves students from elementary to high school.
The site is not part of the Rio Negro tourist route and its main economic activity is the timber route and forest monitoring. A small community of approximately 230 people has 4 churches and only 1 school that serves students from elementary to high school.

Durante 10 dias, foi proposto a cerca de 15 homens da região, sem qualquer experiência em esculpir, o desenvolvimento de bancos em madeira que são resíduo do manejo da Floresta Amazônica, que carregassem em si um pouco da história e cultura da região, com o objetivo de movimentar a economia local e possibilitar a permanência dessas pessoas em sua terra natal, em harmonia com a floresta.
For10 days, it was proposed to around 15 men from the region, with no experience in carving, the development of wooden benches that are remnants of the management of the Amazon Forest, which would carry in themselves a little of the history and culture of the region, with the objective of boosting the local economy and enabling these people to remain in their homeland, in harmony with the forest.
For10 days, it was proposed to around 15 men from the region, with no experience in carving, the development of wooden benches that are remnants of the management of the Amazon Forest, which would carry in themselves a little of the history and culture of the region, with the objective of boosting the local economy and enabling these people to remain in their homeland, in harmony with the forest.

A partir da imersão na comunidade, foi desenvolvido o projeto gráfico para a marca. O logo foi redesenhado a partir dos desenhos dos próprios artesãos.
From the immersion in the community, the graphic design for the brand was developed. The logo was redesigned based on the craftsmen's own drawings.
From the immersion in the community, the graphic design for the brand was developed. The logo was redesigned based on the craftsmen's own drawings.

graphic designer: verônica nunes
art director: fabiana zanin
creative director: marcelo rosenbaum, rosenbaum®
illustration: produced in with partnership ribeirinhos
photography: loiro cunha
art director: fabiana zanin
creative director: marcelo rosenbaum, rosenbaum®
illustration: produced in with partnership ribeirinhos
photography: loiro cunha